November 14 Special Guest To Appear at 7 pm for "Jazzin' with Jeanne": Paul Stubblefield! Paul has toured with versions of the Ink Spots & the Platters - as well as being a founding member of S.O.U.L. and playing with the Rasts & the lounge act, the Murphys. He's a drummer & vocalist extraordinaire - performing recently at both the Bootlegger Bistro & the Stirling Club for five years... November 21 Special Guest To Appear at 7 pm for "Jazzin' with Jeanne": Carmine Mandia! Carmine hails from Philadelphia and is currently a member of the "Shades of Sinatra" show. He recently touched the hearts of the audience at Bob Rosario's tribute to Bobby Darin at UNLV as well as knockin' their socks off as Frank Sinatra in "The Rat Pack is Back" at the Greek Isles. He brings the Great American Song Book, ol' Blue Eyes & Bobby Darin back to life every weekend singing at Piero's with Howie Gold on piano! Scheduled Guests to appear at 9 pm for "Jammin' with Jeanne": Sac a Pulses Jazz Band direct from France on their American tour |